Milkie Milkie

Korean Shaved Ice Cafe


Seattle, WA


Restaurant & Bar

  • Permitting
  • Interior Design
  • Branding & Identity
  • Signage

Milkie Milkie, a new Korean ice cream shop, took space in the historic, original, Uwajimaya building in the International District. The building has its own Japanese character. We worked with the International District Historical Board to preserve the building’s character and meet the board’s design guidelines. The landlord has done major upgrades for the upcoming tenants. We helped with a fit test so that the interior space can be divided effectively.

The concept for this interior design project is to be timeless with a hint of nostalgia, combining modern and traditional surfaces.

A pastel color palette was selected to complement the shaved ice topping flavors like soft green from green tea , egg cream, strawberry rose, toasted tan, and beige wood.

Curves and arches are used to represented the soft taste of dessert.

We created a patchwork of materials in the bar area with alternating colors. Our objective was to create a cozy, lively, and pleasant space with sweet taste in this historic area.